Summer is here and I’m excited! The summer months always provide me a welcome break in my routine and a nice boost of creativity.

Taking time off for vacation is a touchy subject in the United States. While workers in other parts of the World don’t seem to have any trouble enjoying their vacations, there is a great deal of anxiety that comes with taking time off for employees in The States. About forty percent of Americans don’t use their paid time off. Many of them fear losing their jobs or suffer from the “martyr complex” – the belief that no one can do their jobs as well as they can.  I am definitely not part of that forty percent.

When I take a break from work I return to my job refreshed, filled with new ideas and ready to knock out some great projects. During vacations I always pick up great souvenirs to add to the mood boards in my office.  Also, having the chance to unwind and get plenty of sleep gives me plenty of energy to be creative and productive when I get back to my normal routine. Meeting new people and networking is another great benefit of traveling – you never know what professional doors can open by connecting with people outside of your usual social circle.

I have a few trips planned to visit friends and family in different parts of the country this summer. I am looking forward to unplugging and enjoying new experiences that are sure to bring inspiration for upcoming projects.

What are your plans for summer?


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