It’s Monday!

It’s also that time of year when pastel colors start popping up everywhere and everything seems to burst into bloom. Yeah, it’s definitely Spring. This is also the time of year for taking stock, tidying up and moving forward with new momentum. Here’s the thing though – if you’re not bold enough to make those moves, you will remain stagnant and you miss opportunities to grow and flourish.

“Bloom where you are planted”

Starting something new can feel scary, especially if it involves venturing off into uncharted professional territory. I think Spring is nature’s way of reminding us that sometimes it’s best to just simply start, where we are with what we have, and not overthink things. This week I am committed to letting my ideas bloom…without over-analyzing them our second guessing myself.

What’s your plan for the week?

Monday Motivation is a quick mood board that I make to kick-start my work week. You can check out what “motivated” me in past weeks here.


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